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How to Implement a PIM system – The Ultimate Guide

In this comprehensive guide, we dive deep into the process of Product Information Management (PIM) implementation. Offering a detailed roadmap for successful PIM execution, this article provides insights on methodologies, potential challenges, and strategic solutions. Learn how to streamline your product data management, enhance data quality, and ultimately drive more sales and elevate your customer experience, resulting in a significant boost to your ROI.

Table of Contents

A Product Information Management (PIM) system is designed to serve as a central hub for product information collection, control, and enrichment. Often used for creating the product catalogue and disseminating content to eCommerce and sales channels, PIM implementation is an asset for managing content across various sales, marketing channels, and e-commerce businesses. When tailored to a company’s specific needs and budget, a PIM system can offer remarkable benefits, enhancing operational efficiency and data accuracy.

In this comprehensive PIM implementation guide, we take you through the process of implementing a PIM, step-by-step. It is designed to serve as a one-stop solution for product information management, enabling you to create, control, and enrich your product data effectively. The decision to implement PIM can significantly improve content management across various sales, marketing channels, and e-commerce businesses.

PIM Implementation Plan

The first step in the PIM implementation guide is to design a comprehensive PIM implementation plan example, catering to your business’s unique needs. This plan includes several stages such as discovery sessions, data modelling, configuration, and integration. By working closely with PIM implementation partners and consultants, you can streamline this process, ensuring your PIM system is configured to your specific business requirements.

PIM Design and Discovery Sessions

This initial phase comprises practical workshops and stakeholder interviews. These sessions help ensure everyone has a clear understanding of the business processes and establishes precise business goals. They also provide insight into the data flows within the system, the most crucial data sources, and who the data owners are within the company.

PIM System Orientation and Data Modelling Phase

Here, the focus is on understanding the features and functionality of PIM and defining the primary data requirements for migration. This stage involves identifying product data and its attributes, including structure, formats, and taxonomy. The goal is to build a comprehensive PIM data model and a design specification.

Configuration Process and PIM Migration

Once the data catalogue structure and PIM database are set up, it's time to import data into your PIM platform. This process could be manual or automated, depending on your company's needs.

PIM Integration

Integrating your PIM software with other business systems synchronises product information across different systems, reducing data duplication and improving consistency. This phase involves testing PIM system integration with a small group and providing necessary training for various users.

Defining the Output of the PIM Solution

This stage involves determining where your product data will be delivered, considering various touchpoints like websites, eCommerce platforms, and marketplaces. Different sales channels might require different data formats and delivery methods, adding complexity to your product information data model and design. While the roadmap to PIM implementation will vary depending on your company's goals and expectations, well-established communication within your company and a comprehensive understanding of your business are crucial for success.

PIM Implementation Methodology

When it comes to PIM implementation, a robust and well-defined methodology is essential for successful, scalable outcomes. This process, which operates in an iterative form similar to the Scrum methodology, provides an all-encompassing service for businesses of all sizes. This versatile approach allows PIM implementation to adapt to various frameworks and methodologies, making it a universally applicable solution. The journey towards effective PIM implementation unfolds through a series of procedural steps, each contributing to the overall success of the process.


The planning phase of PIM implementation is a collaborative effort, involving our team of PIM experts and the client's team. In this stage, we determine the scheduling of tasks, establish milestones, set target dates, and identify dependencies. With tools like Google Drive Collaboration, we ensure all team members stay connected and have access to the necessary project materials.

Environment Setup

For optimal PIM implementation, we provide the most suitable environment tailored to your project's specific needs. We manage inter-server and email connectivity, code deployment, source control, backups, and other requirements. This setup allows for seamless tracking of changes in database code configuration and ERP production environment.

Requirement Gathering

Through interactive workshops with our clients, we gather crucial project requirements. During these sessions, product demos and discussions about the PIM software capabilities give us a deep understanding of the client's needs. The outcome of this phase includes essential documents such as data model definitions, integration specifications, and UAT test cases.

Solution Design

Our team designs the solution considering product and digital asset data structures, inbound and outbound system interfaces, validations, transformations, and business rules. This part of the PIM implementation also includes work rules, data mapping, and any customizations necessary for the project.

Solution Build

In this stage, we configure and customize the PIM solution to meet the client's specific needs. Our team develops interfaces for product content integration into the PIM system. During this phase, reusable data migration samples become crucial tools for implementing digital assets into the PIM system.

QA and End-to-End Testing

Collaborating closely with technical team members and clients, we perform comprehensive end-to-end testing. This includes performance, functional, and integration testing, supported by tracking tools to manage the resolution process efficiently.

Data Conversion

Our team prepares and migrates datasets, reference data, and digital assets into the PIM system. This phase also includes analysis and reporting of data issues to enhance consistency.


Our PIM experts offer comprehensive training to project members and all users, ensuring effective utilization of the PIM implementation.


Our PIM implementation strategy extends beyond the project completion, providing ongoing support to end-users. We assist with user training, data cleanup procedures, and bug fixes as part of our commitment to delivering a successful PIM implementation.

How to ensure your PIM Implementation is successful

Successfully implementing a PIM (Product Information Management) system within an organization can unlock an array of benefits. However, to achieve this success, it is crucial to devote time to understanding the process and requirements for PIM implementation. Remember, a PIM system is a valuable asset to your business, and effective implementation is key to unlocking its potential.

Define the Outcome

Before delving into the nitty-gritty details of PIM implementation, it's important to establish your strategy goals. What do you hope to achieve through PIM system implementation? Are you aiming for a single source of truth for all product information, or perhaps looking to enhance data quality by validating product information against current data standards? Once you have a clear vision of your goals, you can begin to implement your PIM system accordingly. Focusing on the desired outcome from PIM system implementation allows you to set meaningful targets and scope your project effectively. It's often advisable to keep the first phase of your product delivery small to avoid business misalignment and stay within budget. With a successful early phase, you'll build confidence and interest to develop the next phase with fresh goals and scope.

Align the Business

Without a well-implemented PIM system, businesses often struggle to collate necessary data, and teams such as marketing and data management may face challenges. Implementing a PIM system helps alleviate these issues, streamlining data collection and reducing errors. Before moving forward, ensure all stakeholders are on board and understand their roles and responsibilities in the process.

Set Up the System

Start by creating an inventory of your processes and identifying setup needs for the product information management system. As you work through this phase, consider dividing business requirements into must-have, should-have, and could-have categories. Following this, you can define your required data model. A well-crafted data model designed by PIM experts can offer numerous business benefits. Once the data model is defined, it's time to consider the data processing workflow, determining which unit begins processing the product information, and which teams are involved in data enrichment.

Import Product Information

With your PIM system set up, the next step involves importing your existing product information into the new system. Whether you're manually transferring data or leveraging automatic integrations with top ERP systems, ensure that your imported data is de-duplicated, standardized, and validated against the system's requirements.


Testing is an essential step in PIM implementation. This phase is designed to identify and correct errors, ensuring that data synchronisation is seamless and the system is ready to publish data to suppliers or data pools.

Go Live and Maintain Continuity

Before going live, consider having designated users test the PIM system, especially in large-scale projects. This can provide valuable feedback that can be used to further refine the system. Once the PIM system is live, it's crucial to maintain continuity and ensure efficient usage. Ongoing support can be invaluable in keeping your PIM system running smoothly within your organisation.

Working with Data During PIM implementation

During the PIM implementation process, data governance becomes a critical factor. Your PIM implementation consultancy should provide guidance on gathering, checking, and cleaning data before migrating it to the PIM platform.

Data Gathering and Checking

Identify important information to be delivered to the PIM system, check it for errors and duplicates, and ensure uniform formatting.

Setting the Data Governance Policy

Implement a governance module within your PIM platform to control and secure your product data, ensuring it's only accessible to authorised users.

Building Data Taxonomy and Defining Product Data Attributes

Create a structured hierarchical list of product data based on categories and define the right data attributes to accelerate product enrichment and drive sales.

Testing and Data Migration

Conduct tests with a small number of products and decide on the best approach for migrating your product data to the PIM platform.

Data Synchronisation/Syndication

Distribute product data synchronised across various sales touchpoints. This process can be simplified using automated product content syndication software.

How to Overcome Potential Challenges when Implementing a PIM

While implementing PIM, you may encounter challenges such as data inaccuracies, onboarding non-technical users, and managing the various stakeholders involved in the process. By working closely with PIM implementation partners, you can overcome these challenges effectively, ensuring a successful PIM implementation.

With the right PIM implementation service and a comprehensive PIM implementation plan, you can significantly enhance your product data management process, driving more sales and boosting your ROI. Remember, every business is unique, and therefore, the PIM implementation process will differ based on your specific needs and goals. Use this guide as a starting point and adapt as necessary to meet your business requirements.

Collaborating with us as your PIM implementation partner

As your trusted PIM implementation consultancy, we work closely with your team to understand your unique requirements, workflows, and goals. Leveraging our expertise, we help you choose the right PIM platform that aligns with your business objectives. Our partnerships with leading PIM solution providers enable us to offer you the best-fit solution for your organisation.

  • Expert guidance in selecting and implementing the most suitable PIM system for your business
  • Seamless integration of PIM with your existing systems and applications
  • Customised data modelling and taxonomy development to ensure accurate and consistent product information
  • Efficient data migration and cleansing to eliminate inconsistencies and errors
  • User training and support to empower your team in effectively utilising the PIM system
  • Ongoing maintenance and optimisation to keep your PIM solution up to date and aligned with your evolving business needs

Ready to take the next step in your PIM Implementation?

Contact us today to learn more about our PIM implementation services and how we can help you take control of your product information.