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PIM consultancy: The benefits of using a consulting partner

The changing eCommerce landscape

There are many more regular eCommerce customers than ever before, and they are expecting digital channels to deliver a very high baseline standard for the product information they need to make purchasing decisions.

This also applies to B2B customers with industrial manufacturers and distributors. Purchasing behaviour has changed notably and the line between B2C and B2B customers is becoming increasingly blurred, so the old sales practices in the latter are becoming obsolete.

The technology is more than ready…Are you?

There are many highly sophisticated platforms on the market. They apply the latest developments in machine learning and AI to a wide range of templates, scheduling tools and semantic analysis to enhance process efficiency and optimise internal workflows. Mostly cloud-based, they make it easy to scale your business and to get products to market fast. They enable teams to create and deliver rich, media-heavy, and excellent-quality product experiences and are capable of providing a truly compelling omni-channel customer experience.

So, why do I need a consulting partner?

Because their expertise and experience are essential when shaping and implementing a PIM project which is aligned with your strategic business goals and internal performance.

Product data management has moved far beyond straightforward implementation of and support for off-the-shelf PIM solutions. Successful PIM projects require partnerships between tech vendors and specialist consultants. The latter focus on creation of detailed and strategic plans and development of a robust business case. Part of their expertise lies in carrying out a discovery phase to identify precise organisational pain points and generate concrete solutions.

Further reasons why using a PIM consulting partner is a wise move:

A network of experts to cover all bases

The key factor in driving a PIM project to fruition is to have a business vision. This means:

  1.       Carrying out a discovery phase involving all key stakeholders and users to establish a road map between current and desired positions
  2.       Developing a compelling PIM business case to quantify tangible added business value.
  3.       Using the above to gain ‘C’-suite buy-in – crucial if the project is to reach fruition.

Which teams and managers will benefit?

Marketing teams, who want to deliver a consistent and compelling omnichannel CX

Product data onboarding teams, who want stronger and more optimised relations with suppliers

eCommerce managers, who want to add value to insights and make more confident decisions

Start with Data – a flexible, wrap-around approach to PIM implementation projects

From extensive experience, we have learned that some of the key questions we help our clients to address are;

A consultancy partner will enable you to answer these questions so that when you implement a particular PIM , you can be absolutely sure it will be a seamless process towards an optimised solution.

Get in touch for a free initial consultation so you can find out more about how our PIM consultancy services can unlock the potential for added value, both for your business and your customers.

Ready to deliver your PIM implementation?​

For retailers and distributors

We have a highly experienced team of retail PIM consultants ready to support your implementation from supplier onboarding through to customer experience

Ben Adams, CEO

For brands and manufacturers

We can help get your products onto the digital shelf, with our accelerators

Beth Parker, PIM Consultant